Mint assets

Mint and burn native tokens.

Note: You need to have a wallet and a provider selected in order to build and submit transactions.


First we need to create a minting policy for the assets we want to mint. In this example we utilize a native script time-locking policy with our wallet as required signer:

const { paymentCredential } = lucid.utils.getAddressDetails(
  await lucid.wallet.address(),

const mintingPolicy = lucid.utils.nativeScriptFromJson(
    type: "all",
    scripts: [
      { type: "sig", keyHash: paymentCredential.hash },
        type: "before",
        slot: lucid.utils.unixTimeToSlot( + 1000000),

Next we derive the policy id from the minting policy script:

const policyId = lucid.utils.mintingPolicyToId(mintingPolicy);

Now we can mint our desired tokens:

const unit = policyId + fromText("MyMintedToken");

const tx = await lucid.newTx()
  .mintAssets({ [unit]: 1n })
  .validTo( + 200000)

const signedTx = await tx.sign().complete();

const txHash = await signedTx.submit();


const unit = policyId + fromText("MyMintedToken");

const tx = await lucid
  .mintAssets({ [unit]: -1n })
  .validTo( + 200000)

const signedTx = await tx.sign().complete();

const txHash = await signedTx.submit();

Tx API reference
TxComplete API reference
TxSigned API reference
Utils API reference