Create a stake pool

Register and retire a stake pool.

Note: You need to have a wallet and a provider selected in order to build and submit transactions.

Register stake pool

Cold key and vrf key were imported from the cardano-cli. The cold key is necessary to add a required witness to the transaction and the vrf key needs to be added to the pool parameters.

import { Crypto, Hasher, type PoolRegistration, Utils } from "";

/** StakePoolSigningKey_ed25519 cborHex from the cardano-cli */
const { privateKey: coldKey, credential: coldCredential } = Crypto

/** VrfVerificationKey_PraosVRF cborHex from the cardano-cli */
const vrfKeyHash = Hasher.hashVrfKey(

const poolId = Utils.encodeBech32("pool", coldCredential.hash);

const rewardOwnerAddress = (await lucid.wallet.rewardAddress())!;

const poolParams: PoolRegistration = {
  pledge: 100000000,
  cost: 340000000,
  margin: 0.025, // 2.5%
  rewardAddress: rewardOwnerAddress,
  owners: [rewardOwnerAddress],
  relays: [{
    type: "SingleHostIp",
    ipV4: "123.456.789.0",
    ipV6: undefined,
    port: 3000,
  metadataUrl: "https://...", // metadata needs to be hosted already before registering the pool

const tx = await lucid.newTx()

const signedTx = await tx.sign()

const txHash = await signedTx.submit();

Retire stake pool

const retirementEpoch = 100;

const tx = await lucid.newTx()
  .retirePool(poolId, retirementEpoch)

const signedTx = await tx.sign()

const txHash = await signedTx.submit();