Choose a wallet
Use different methods to select a wallet and query balances.
Wallet selection
There are multiple methods to select a wallet in Lucid.
Select wallet from private key
import { Crypto } from "";
const privateKey = Crypto.generatePrivateKey(); // Bech32 encoded private key
Select wallet from seed phrase
import { Crypto } from "";
const seed = Crypto.generateSeed();
Select wallet from browser
The wallet type works obviously only in the browser. This method works for any CIP-0030 compliant wallet.
const api = await window.cardano.nami.enable();
Select wallet from custom data
This wallet is only readable and so can only handle query requests. Signing operations do not work because no private key was selected in this method.
lucid.selectReadOnlyWallet({address: "addr_test...", utxos: [...]});
Query wallet
Get address
const address = await lucid.wallet.address(); // Bech32 address
Query UTxOs
const utxos = await lucid.wallet.getUtxos();
Query delegation
const delegation = await lucid.wallet.getDelegation();